
Some interesting projects I’ve recently been working with:

  • Scaling Dedicated Game Servers on Azure Kubernetes Service demonstrates how to use managed Kubernetes on Azure to scale dedicated game servers. We use various Kubernetes-native approaches like custom controllers, admission webhooks, custom resource definitions and more
  • Azure Container Instances Management, managing and scaling Dedicated Game Servers using Azure Container Instances, Azure Functions, Table Storage and Event Grid. Featured on Azure Container Instances announcement blog post (check the video here) as well as presented in Microsoft Build 2018 conference (recording)
  • AzureFunctionsNodeLeaderboards-Cosmos, a game Leaderboards API hosted on Azure Functions and backed by Azure Cosmos DB with MongoDB API
  • InGameSurvey and MessageOfTheDay implementations using Azure Functions and Table Storage. We provide a Unity SDK as well
  • Azure Services for Unity, a library that allows easy access of Azure Mobile Apps via the Unity game engine
  • formflowbotbuilder, an implementation of FormFlow for Microsoft BotBuilder node.js SDK. Here on NPM
  • A lot of game development tutorials
  • gaforgithub, unofficial Google Analytics tracking for GitHub projects
  • MyHomeStatus, a home monitoring solution using Raspberry Pi, Docker and Azure Web App for Containers
  • Having fun with Rasberry Pi and Windows 10 IoT Core
  • Universal Helpers, a library of various UI-related utilities for Universal Windows Apps. Here on Nuget

Moreover, I’ve co-developed some educational games, they are listed here:

Windows 8.1 and Windows 10

apps.6481.9007199266379941.ff385700-42dc-47d5-a27f-9ec02891a50d First Words with Phonics

“First Words with Phonics”, (adaptation of the Windows Phone app) is one of the first Educational application for Windows that helps children learn the sounds of letters, letters names, how they form words and spelling. “First Words with Phonics” includes 75 words in three categories, specifically Animals, Vehicles and Shapes+Colors. The three different hint alternatives (color hints, letter hints and color and letter hints) combined with five more settings, will challenge your child and help you fine tune the level of difficulty.

Logo.scale-100 First Puzzles: Animal Kingdom

“First Puzzles: Animal Kingdom” is an educational application for Windows that contains 30 puzzles for children to improve their visual perception and develop fine motor skills. The app keeps kids engaged through a fantastic star reward system, where kids earn stars for successfully completing puzzles. It also features adaptive learning, each time a puzzle is completed the difficulty level is automatically adjusted to pose a greater challenge on the next level.

Windows Phone apps

Math Puppy: Math Activities for Kids

Math Puppy is an educational app that teaches math to kids. It allows them to respond verbally to the various questions asked in 10 different languages. Moreover, it utilizes gamification techniques by awarding accessories to correct question so that the child can dress the “math puppy”. The app was awarded from the AppCampus program, a collaboration of Aalto University, Nokia and Microsoft that recognized innovative apps from mobile startups around the world. It was also featured on official Windows blog.

ApplicationIcon First Words family of games

“First Words” family of games contains educational games for Windows Phone that help children learn letter sounds (phonics), letter names, how they form words and spelling. Featured by Microsoft in the US, the UK and numerous stores throughout the world. Installed on Jessica Alba’s Windows Phone (ad was featured on NBC) and featured on Windows Phone 8 Launch event and Build 2012 event. Available in different languages and adaptations.

English Animals, Vehicles, Shapes and Colors
Spanish Animals, Vehicles, Shapes and Colors

Worth mentioning is the fact that most of the User Interface interaction patterns used in the described tablet/mobile apps have been described in my co-authored paper “Interaction patterns for Windows 8 tablet applications